miek's blog

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


So I'm sitting in Hotel Krasnapolsky Amsterdam and who is sitting three tables from me? KLUIVERT. He was pretty cool about me taking a picture with him. I wish him a lot of succes at Valencia.

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Pure Pwnage

I'm very proud at my guild at the moment. I could make thursday's raid but they powned the hell out of the first 8 bosses in MC. Weird thing thoug is i still got dkp :p. Sunday we are going for Majordomo and Ragnaros and i will be be there o yes ;)

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Frontpage news

After a great weekend of MC, downing Geddon, Golemagg and Lucifron (in one try no1 dead :p), we made frontpage on Talnivarr.com. Its going really well with Requiem of the Shadows. In just 2 weeks we made lotst of progress. Just awesome.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006


Curse gaming has a nice preview of the upcoming 1.11 patch. check it out.

Things found in the 1.11 patch: Keyrings (finally), Ratchet and Un'Goro have Flighpaths, stack sizes have been increased. For the full patch notes check here.

The last MC raid went well, we killed first 3 bosses, wiping only 1 time at Luci. Today we are doing part 2 and hopefully we make it further then the 5 boss this time ;)

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Tier 3 Raid Sets added

The Tier 3 raid sets have been added to the Worldofwarcraft site. Click me

Tonight RotS is going to MC again, stay tuned ;)

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

World of Warcraft Tier 3 Raid Sets

IGN Posted screenshots of the new raid sets coming in the Burning Legion. They look awesome to say the least. I better start saving for my Bonescythe.

check out the screenies here

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Molten Core part 2

Today has just been awesome, the raid group was formidable. Today Rots has slayed Garr, Gehannas and Shazzrah. and all these in just 2 days ;). We will be gathering fire resist gear because we have recieved wordt taht we wil be going to Onyxia soon ;) Woot!

Pictures can be seen on guild site, here

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Molten Core part 1

After months of waiting I've finally got to go to Molten Core with guild. What's even beter is we managed to take down 2 bosses, Lucifron and Magmadar in two tries each. today we will continue, maybe take out even more ;)
Check out our guild site for more.

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Worldofwar.net video interview

An interview with Scott Mercer from Blizzard Entertainment, showing the Draenei starting location, Outland and flying mounts baby, woohooo.
Go watch

E3 World of Warcraft Teaser

Joystic has a nice preview of the new horde and alliance races coming in the Burning Crusade addon. We got pictures of the starting locations of the Draenei and Bloodelves, maps of Outland and all racial skills from the new races. Go check it out

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Joga Bonito

With the World Soccer Cup coming over a month, we got loads of commercial video's appearing. But none of them compare to those of Joga Bonito. My favourite one is of the Brasilian Team, VAI O BRASIL!

The nPod

Ever wanted to have an old school nintendo entertainment system on the go, here's your chance :p The nPod
Made from one of those wonderful "NES on a chip" joystick things, the nPod is my latest addition to my portable resume. It's barely bigger than the cartridge, thinner than my NES Micro and has a 3.5" screen, whereas the Micro was 2.5" Like the Micro it runs off (4) AA batteries.
Cost $350,-

check it out here

Friday, May 12, 2006

Lockpicking Undead Thinkgeek Style

Just spotted this, Wanna be a real live Undead Rogue you gotta get this Thinkgeek.com Lockpicking kit.

Get it

LVL 60 And Beyond

After finally reaching lvl 60 DING!111 about 3 weeks ago I've started at a new guild: Requiem of the Shadows. Nice guild lots of people, always got a party. Reached Blood Guard status rank 7, and am slowly making my way op to rank 11 for that epic mount.
BTW catch more stonescale eel. Everyone needs it ;) and sells real good.

And finally, the new Alliance race has been announced by Blizzard, the Draenei, also known as the exiled ones. Really awesome.

Check them out here