miek's blog

Sunday, August 12, 2007


After another fun trip to Suriname I finally come back to make a little post on my blog ^^.
A lot has happened since the last post. Been to Italy, seen a lot of beautiful things like the Duomo church. Not to mention the beautiful girls there.
I finally picked up tennis again. In the three weeks back in Suriname I played almost everyday with my dad "Big Friend" I like to call him. On the last days of my vacation my ground strokes where near perfect. Back in Delft I purchased 2 new Dunlop Earogell 500 Tour Rackets. My weapon of choice since I was 14. I hope to play more often so that when i head back to Suriname my game is in good shape.
School coming up real quick and I'm gonna finish it all up in 2008 after which I will return back to my little place at Elizabethof.
Peace out and till the next post.

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