miek's blog

Monday, July 31, 2006

Gentleman Live in Flamboyant Park

One of the greatest reggae bands of all time has given one of the greatest reggae shows of all time. I quote: "Gentleman hasn't seen such a crowd in 15 years of playing on stage". That makes me feel so proud of being Surinamese. The crowd was awesome. 16000 people filled the stage area, jumping and chanting everyone of Otto's sounds. This will certainly not be the last time that Gentleman and the Far East Band will be in Suriname.
More pics here

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Sunday, July 02, 2006

How can Brazil Lose?!

Yesterday we decided to go to Frankfurt Germany to watch to Brazil - France match. After a 5 hour, 500 km drive, we finally arrived in Frankfurt with fans everywhere on the streets. The city was going wild before the match. We watched the game in a big park with a lake in the middle. They had a huge screen on the lake so you could watch from both sides.
The match itself was devastating. Ronaldinho not showing his awesome side, Ronaldo lacking in will power. The only one on the team that really wanted to win was Robinho and he got to play in only the last 10 minutes where he almost scored. Parreira, next time, just put him in from the beginning. To all Brazil fans, it was a fun and memorable WC 2006.
Click here for the pics

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